Frank is the author of “Ara’s Knights: Ara Parshegian and the Golden Era of Notre Dame Football.”
Frank currently lives in Jackson, Michigan, where he coaches tight ends and tackles at Lumen Christi Catholic School. Frank also does a radio show with former UNLV football coach Harvey Hyde in Las Vegas and still loves talking about Notre Dame football.
The Sports Round Table Talk Show reflects Frank’s interest in competitive sports and his belief that participation in athletic programs helps develop positive values, good character, and a strong Catholic faith in today’s young people.
Check out Frank’s website, SetTwo: Be A Champion Every Day
Kim Woods Interview, June 2
Pat Gorczyca Encore, May 26
Mike Kuhl Interview, May 19
Tony Mogul Interview, May 12
Jim Brandstatter Interviews, May 05, April 28
John Willis Interview, April 14
Bonnie Blair Interviews, March 31, April 7
David Proffit Interview, March 24
Mark Asanovich Encore, March 17
Ralph Parretta Interview, March 10
Gerry DiNardo Interview, March 3
Marti McNair Interview, February 24
Frank Lenti Interview, February 17
Ted Lambernides Encore, February 10
Rich Thomann – Interview, February 3
George Blaha Interviews, January 27, January 20
Bonnie Gretzner Interview, January 13
Mike Burgener Interview, January 06
Mike Wilson Interview, December 30
Mike Wartella Interview, December 23
Aldredge – Thomas Interview, December 16
Joe Williams Interview, Lumen Christi Coach and Alumni. December 09
Mark Asanovich Interview, December 02
Herb Brogan Interview, November 25
Joe Barrett Interview, November 18
Randi Rhino Interview, November 11
Ted Lambernides Interview, November 04
Tim Sullivan Interview, October 28
Tray Crusciel Interview
Athletic Director Lumen Christi High School See See MLive article article, October 21
Ben Pack Interview
Former Head Football Coach Jackson High School, October 14
George Blaha Part 2. Announcer for the Detroit Pistons and Michigan State Spartans, October 7th, 2018
George Blaha Part 1. Announcer for the Detroit Pistons and Michigan State Spartans, September 30th, 2018
Tim Prister Interview, Senior Editor, ; Notre Dame Class of ’82. Writing/analyzing Fighting Irish football/athletics for 37 years, September 23rd, 2018
Jim Aherne Interview. Head Football Coach Lansing Catholic Central High School, September 16th, 2018