The Bishops Hour
Join the Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing and Vicar General Father Tim MacDonald, Pastor of Queen of the Miraculous Medal Church in Jackson as they discuss issues and events of interest to Catholics throughout the Diocese of Lansing.
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Faith Matters
Join your host Phillip Campbell each week as he presents FAITH MATTERS, a catholic variety program covering issues and concerns of interest to the catholic community of today. From questions of theology to discussions of daily affairs to interviews with interesting guests, you’ll be sure to enjoy the wide-ranging subjects of FAITH MATTERS in your personal faith journey.
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Two Masters of Theology
Underwritten by the Chesterton Academy of St George, join Matthew Anderson and Joseph Gruber as they have timeless conversations about timeless truths of the faith.
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Jackson Today
The Jackson Today program showcases the events, organizations, and people that enhance the quality of life throughout the Jackson community, with interviews and discussions hosted by different personalities.
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Free Expression
Award-winning novelist Bill Kassel interviews authors, reviewers, publishers, marketers, and other key figures in the world of Catholic communications. This engaging series is for readers, writers, and everyone who loves books and cherishes our freedom to proclaim the Christian message.
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Deacons Speakin
Gather around the kitchen table with Deacon Pat Gorczyca and Deacon Rick Freedberg as they look at the Church and the world through the lens of the diaconate….as Herald’s pf the Gospel, ministers of the Altar, and servants in the community
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JACS Facts
Connecting the Jackson Catholic Schools with the greater community. It is THE program informing you of all the goings-on within our Jackson Catholic Schools.
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Renewal of the Mind
The Renewal of the Mind Radio Program is a half-hour radio show dedicated to pursuing the grace of transformation of the mind that enables disciples of Jesus to continue to grow in their ability to do the works of Jesus.
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